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zajirogh 座二郎
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He was born in Japan in 1974. After growing up in Tokyo and New York, Zajirogh studied professional education in architecture at a Japanese university. He got a job in the design department of a construction company as a house architect and started creating his works on the commuter train. While everyone was looking into their smart phones, the artist began to draw a manga in his notebook.

The manga he drew was published as "Rapid Commuter Underground" by Shogakukan. The content, which moves back and forth between the scenes he actually saw on the train and the space he saw in his dream, fascinated many people, and was selected as a recommended work at the Japan Media Arts Festival.

His picture book, "Ookina Densha," which shows a child's adventure inside a giant commuter train, was also published.

His works are painted on collages of papers from his daily life, like Joseph Cornell's assemblage boxes.

His work is strongly influenced by architects who also draw, such as François Schuiten (drawing the series Les Cités Obscures), Giovanni Battista Piranesi, and Zaha Hadid.

The artist puts his own interpretation into his paintings in order to give a fresh look to familiar city scenes, such as the commuter train or the streets he passes every day. To do so, he uses specialized architectural techniques and childlike, soft lines. He continues to create works that cross the boundaries between architecture, the first art form, and manga, the ninth art form.In October 2021, he decided to quit his job and devote himself to his art. 

1974年生まれ。描く建築家。早稲田大学理工学研究科建築学専攻修士課程修了後、大手ゼネコンに勤務しながら、通勤電車のなかで漫画を描き始める。2012年から青年コミック誌『ビッグコミックスペリオール』のWEBで『RAPID COMMUTER UNDERGROUND』を連載。2012年第16回文化庁メディア芸術祭のマンガ部門で審査委員会推薦作品に入選。2016年、絵本『おおきなでんしゃ』上梓。2017年より2年間、『WIRED』のWEBにて「the superfluous city 座二郎の第9都市」を連載。2022年、前田建設工業を退職しDSDを設立 2023年から早稲田大学非常勤講師


1974: Born in Tokyo on August 8
1979: Moved to Gifu Prefecture
1983: Moved to Tokyo, Japan
1985August: Moved to Ithaca, NY, USA
1987August:  Returned to Japan
1994: Entered Waseda University, Department of Architecture
1995: Formed the band "Annrakza"
2000: Graduates from Waseda University Graduate School
2000: Joined Maeda Corporation and engaged in architectural design
2005: Drew the manga "Zajirō's Decomi! while commuting to work.
2006: "Zajirō no Dekomi! won the Kawaguchi Kaiji Prize at the Weekly Morning Manga Open.
2007: Moved to New York for one year of company training.
2007: Studied oil painting at The Art Students League of New York
2008: Returned to Japan
2011: Picture book "Boku no Heya" (co-authored with Yoh Hotagawa) won the "Kin no hoshisha" Award in the creative picture book category of the Creative Story, Picture Book, and Digital Picture Book Contest.
2012: Serialized the manga "rapid commuter underground" on the Big Comic Superior website
The work was selected as a recommended work at the 16th Japan Media Arts Festival.
2013: Part-time lecturer at Waseda University in 2013
2014: "rapid commuter underground" book release
2016: picture book "Ookina Densha" published by Akane Shobo
2017: Series of THE SUPERFLUOUS CITY 9th city on wired website
2019: Designed and moved to his own residence "OPEN SKY HOUSE
2021: Retire from Maeda Corporation
2022:  Established a design office "DSD" (drawing space design)
2023: Part-time lecturer at Waseda University

1979年 岐阜県に転居
1983年 東京都に転居
1985年8月 アメリカNY州イサカ市に転居
1987年8月 帰国
1994年 早稲田大学建築学科入学
1995年 バンド「安楽座」結成
2000年 早稲田大学大学院卒業
2000年 前田建設工業入社
2005年 通勤中に漫画「座二郎のデコミ!」を描く
2006年3月 「座二郎のデコミ!」週刊モーニング漫画オープンにてかわぐちかいじ賞を受賞。
2007年 ニューヨークにて会社研修(1年間)
2007年 The Art Students League of New York(社会人クラス)
2008年 帰国
2011年3月 絵本「ぼくのへや」(ほたかわようさんとの共著)が「創作童話・絵本・デジタル絵本コンテスト」 創作絵本部門にて「金の星社賞」受賞
2012年4月よりビッグコミックスペリオールwebサイトにより「rapid commuter underground(地下鉄の座二郎)」連載
2014年8月「rapid commuter underground(地下鉄の座二郎)」単行本発売
2017年wired websiteにてTHE SUPERFLUOUS CITY第9都市連載
2019年​ 自邸「OPEN SKY HOUSE」を設計・転居
2021年 22年間勤めた前田建設工業を退職
​2022年 DSD(drawing space design)設立

2023年 〜早稲田大学非常勤講師


●A video about the home “OPEN SKY HOUSE” will be available on the video channel “Never Too Small”.



●日本スローフード協会 味の箱舟プロジェクト 絵本「ありがつお」 2022年2月26日


●朝日新聞 2021年3月30日夕刊





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